about me holiday kehidupan last summer living abroad story student's life study abroad summer summer vacation

This summer I remained the same

It's been almost one year since I didn't come here to update. If I summ…

about me holiday pembukaan summer tulisan

hi there 👋

Hi there, lama ngga berkunjung di halaman ini, hope you're doing well ya 😉…

about me life me slice of me story

the best of me

J ika berbicara tentang kemampuan atau kelebihanku sendiri, aku akan mengat…

about me daily life life me story

the best of me | the best of me

the best of me adalah saat aku SMP dan SMA. Aku memilih masa SMP karena aku m…

about me life slice of me story

the best of me | me as child

sebenernya tulisan yang aku post kali ini merupakan salah satu tugas yang udah …

about me alone daily life life new life student study abroad university

new part of my life 🙄

so it's been a long time since my last time writing on this blog. hehe... a…

2020 a girl about me anxiety child diary letter love me shades of me slice of me struggle

a letter to

thank you for being my parents.  I don't know but suddenly I want to write …

about me future happiness letter story struggle

First Complaints

I'm not perfect, I'm just like the other.

about me city country indonesia korea life places travel

List of Places I've Lived at

Since a child, I've got a list of places that I want to live in. And the…

about me application important things life me shades of me slice of me

4 Applications that I can't live without

Presently, everyone stuck on their phones. Everywhere, every time, no ma…

about me fact life me shades of me

Get To Know Me 🤗

So this post, I want to share my fact that my friends don't know.

about me happiness life shades of me slice of me

The Things That Make Me Happy

So for this post, I would like to share my top 10 things that make me happy…

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