about me life me slice of me story

the best of me

J ika berbicara tentang kemampuan atau kelebihanku sendiri, aku akan mengat…

about me daily life life me story

the best of me | the best of me

the best of me adalah saat aku SMP dan SMA. Aku memilih masa SMP karena aku m…

about me life slice of me story

the best of me | me as child

sebenernya tulisan yang aku post kali ini merupakan salah satu tugas yang udah …

2020 diary hanok village Ikseon dong south korea story travel

Let's Go!!!

holiday coming over yeaahh!!!! happy holiday everyone (❁´◡`❁) even though this …

complaint life opinion people story

Fifth Complaints

today's complaints are none. coz I want to write about music, but it…

complaint daily life diary girl life story

Third Complaints

The third complaint began.

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