daily daily life holiday story student's life study abroad summer

Farewell summer 🌞🎊

Sooo, I am gonna write about what am I doing through this summer. Not much I th…

about me daily life life me story

the best of me | the best of me

the best of me adalah saat aku SMP dan SMA. Aku memilih masa SMP karena aku m…

about me alone daily life life new life student study abroad university

new part of my life 🙄

so it's been a long time since my last time writing on this blog. hehe... a…

daily life fasting ramadhan


Ramadan Kareem!!! Happy Ramadan to Muslims all over the world!!  I s…

complaint daily life diary girl life story

Third Complaints

The third complaint began.

daily life everland friends halloween korea travel

Late Halloween

On 31 October, I want to share this story. However, my assignment so many.…

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